At this time the piled underpinning market was in its infancy and the company quickly developed equipment and techniques to allow it to enter into this market. Further independent companies with regional titles were formed between 1988 and 1992 and in 1993 these were all brought together to trade under the titles of Foundation Piling Ltd and Foundation Piling South East Ltd under the ultimate control of Foundation Piling Holdings Ltd. This arrangement, although successful as a trading format proved unnecessarily complex to administer and the company has now consolidated its activities in the title of Foundation Piling Ltd.
Throughout its trading history Foundation Piling has been an innovative company, committed to development of new techniques, establishing a reputation in the piling industry as the specialists’ specialist, and is frequently called upon by larger specialist companies to assist in resolving problems.
All operatives are directly employed and in line with the company’s commitment to the Investor in People scheme, a policy of continued training and personal development is maintained to ensure that a fully committed and enthusiastic multi-skilled workforce is available at all times to provide a rapid response to clients and their requirements. The current workforce numbers approximately 100, 80 of whom use the Oswestry premises as an operating base.
The company has recently built and moved into new premises in St Martins Oswestry consisting of office accommodation, a workshop and storage areas in order to maintain planned growth. We also now own our Bristol Office which we have occupied since 1991.
Foundation Piling is a business built on solid and stable underpinnings.
We were founded and are still managed by a team of experienced chartered engineers who relish the challenge of overcoming the seemingly insurmountable.
Over the years, Foundation Piling has frequently been called in to take over jobs where other companies have thrown in the towel. We’re proud to say, we’ve always successfully completed every project.